ScienceDaily (Nov. 15, 2012) — Portions of
Albert Einstein's brain have been found to be unlike those of most
people and could be related to his extraordinary cognitive abilities,
according to a new study led by Florida State University evolutionary
anthropologist Dean Falk.
Falk, along with colleagues Frederick E. Lepore of the Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School and Adrianne Noe, director of the National Museum
of Health and Medicine, describe for the first time the entire cerebral
cortex of Einstein's brain from an examination of 14 recently
discovered photographs. The researchers compared Einstein's brain to 85
"normal" human brains and, in light of current functional imaging
studies, interpreted its unusual features.
"Although the overall size and asymmetrical shape of Einstein's brain
were normal, the prefrontal, somatosensory, primary motor, parietal,
temporal and occipital cortices were extraordinary," said Falk, the Hale
G. Smith Professor of Anthropology at Florida State. "These may have
provided the neurological underpinnings for some of his visuospatial and
mathematical abilities, for instance."
The study, "The Cerebral Cortex of Albert Einstein: A Description and
Preliminary Analysis of Unpublished Photographs," will be published
Nov. 16 in the journal Brain.
Upon Einstein's death in 1955, his brain was removed and photographed
from multiple angles with the permission of his family. Furthermore, it
was sectioned into 240 blocks from which histological slides were
prepared. Unfortunately, a great majority of the photographs, blocks and
slides were lost from public sight for more than 55 years. The 14
photographs used by the researchers now are held by the National Museum
of Health and Medicine.
The paper also publishes the "roadmap" to Einstein's brain prepared
in 1955 by Dr. Thomas Harvey to illustrate the locations within
Einstein's previously whole brain of 240 dissected blocks of tissue,
which provides a key to locating the origins within the brain of the
newly emerged histological slides.
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